Minggu, 28 April 2013

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: Toyota Road Trek 9 Takes on Clark and Palawan

Photos by Ulysses Ang
The soft orange hue of the mid-summer sunrise greeted me as I drove into Toyota Global City—the flagship dealer that carries the new bolder and younger brand identity standard. As a Road Trek novice, I honestly didn’t know what to expect from this ninth outing (the previous ones had everything from mental to driving to even physical challenges) except save for two clues: the outline of a track curb on the invitation as well as the words, “Clark and Palawan: Reloaded”. Perhaps it could mean an Amazing Race-style winner-takes-all challenge or perhaps it could mean a date with the Clark International Speedway? Whatever it may be, I stepped down from my car, took a deep breath, and waited for the briefing to begin.
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