Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Review: 2013 Ford Expedition EL Limited

Photos by Ulysses Ang

Some people simply like having bigger things. Give them a 4-inch smartphone and in a few months, someone will counter with a 6- or even 8-inch unit. Give them a 100-inch LED television, and someone will hit back with a 102-inch screen. Give them the well-equipped Ford Explorer and someone will still clamor for the Expedition. Perhaps this way of think is born from penal envy—the irresistible urge to own the biggest, most badass thing around. However, it could also be for more practical reasons (generous seating for 8 and luggage). Whatever your case may be, you’ll be glad to know that the Ford Expedition EL is still around to provide one of the biggest modes of land transportation available in the Philippines.
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